Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Skin Color....does it make a difference?

In the recent news about Don Imus making a racially charged suggestion that Adam Jones' past rouble with the Law is because of skin color. I understand that people don't want to be racist and say that black men in america are more proned to being in trouble than that of white men. Is that what is really going on here? Is everyone thinking that Jones is an average black man in america? Well I am here to tell you that he isn't. Jones' skin color does not make him a criminal by any means. What makes him a criminal is the criminal element he associates himself with. This kid was and still is a thug. The fact that he has money only compounds his ability to get into trouble.

Skin color obviously does not play a part in his debauchery but look at most of the players in the NFL, NHL, NBA, etc.... that get into trouble. What do most of them have in common? They have black skin. What does this mean? Well not much really other than there might be some evidence that Don Imus' remarks might hold some statistical water. Now, whether it be a result of environment or association with the wrong crowd does not matter. What does matter is why. What is going through someone like Adam Jones' mind when he is constantly in some sort of trouble with the law?

This touchy subject of race comes into play with several other players that have been in the news recently for law troubles. Michael Vick, Cedric Benson, and of course Jeramy Stevens all are black males and have been in trouble more than once. So I ask you, Is color a factor? Just look at the statistics and just maybe you might find something surprising. Or will you? END.

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